Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Yasakuni Shrine


On Sunday we went to Yasakuni (Ya-sa-koo-knee) Shrine. Yasakuni Shrine is a Shinto shrine near the Imperial Palace. When we went to the shrine there was an Autumn Festival (Matsuri- Ma-sue-ree). From the entrance gate, also known as the Torii (Tor-ree) we followed a procession to the shrine (there are pictures below). We also saw a Bonsai (Bon-z-eye) and Chrysanthemum exhibition. We saw a traditional dance performed by two young-ish kids (about 8/9) wearing beautiful kimonos (kim-o-nos). The shrine is dedicated to the Kami (car-me), spirits, of soldiers and others,some considered war criminals, who fought and died on behalf of the Emperor of Japan. Because of this reason it is a controversial shrine to visit. It also has one of the only Japanese war museums dedicated to World War II. This adds to the reasons why it is a controversial shrine to visit.

Hope you've enjoyed reading,


The Parade

Me and my Mum thought they were

Some people in front of the shrine
doing a traditional dance
The Bonsai


  1. Cam loves bonsai. You'll need to learn all the tricks of bonsai sculpting so you can teach us when you get back

  2. Did you tell 'em at the shrine that your great grand dad used to shoot at the Japanese soldiers in New Guinea and Bougainville? I don't know if he hit any. Good thing we ain't doing that no more. I don't want you to bring me back a bonsai - just a geisha or two will do!

  3. hey Chloe! went to a Japanese resturunt for my dad's b'day, the ones where the chef cooks right in front of you, have you been to one of those yet?
