Hey everyone who bothers to read my blog,
On Monday my Dad had the day off so we went for a family walk around the Imperial Palace. The walk is 7km and takes as long as a walk 7km takes. The reason my dad had the day off was because there was a Sophia festival (Sophia is the name of the university we are staying at). We decided to get lunch there. I had Yaki Soba (ya-key So-ba) which is fried noodles. It was really delicious. I also had a banana coated in chocolate. that was super yum.
Sorry that's all I really had to say,
Do you know that I once walked along he wall of the imperial palace with you? You were only a wee girl then, but very cute. THE FIRED NOODLES SOUND GOOD BUT I WILL NOT LET COLLEEN HAVE THE CHOC COATED BANANA BECAUSE HER BUM IGHT GET EVEN BIGGER!