Thursday, January 13, 2011

Staying with the Fuyumuros and going to Junior High School (Part 2)

Hey Everyone,
Continuing on from Part 1. On the second day I went to the Junior High School we had to go about an hour earlier because we went to Volleyball Club. Usually in the morning and afternoon the students go to their clubs and practise their sports. I went with Wakana in the morning but not in the afternoon because I was very tired. On Tuesday I went to Volleyball club in the morning with Wakana (Wa-ka-na) and then we had school. After School Yasuko (Ya-sue-ko), Wakana's Mum, picked me up and we drove home. Wakana wasn't coming home until about 5:30ish so I hang out with her little brother Taiga (tiger) and helped him with his English class homework. On Wednesday it was the last day I was at the School and it was the last day of the semester so we had to do lots of  cleaning. At lunch because it was the last day we had chocolate Cake after we ate the meal. After school I didn't go to Volleyball club (I don't think I'm very good at it) so I looked after Wakana's little sister Natsuki  (Nat-sue-key) while Yasuko finished up at the doctors. After Wakana came home and before dinner I went out to run with her and her friends Kaho (ka-ho) and Ayano (A-ya-no). We finished running and we went into Jidokan (gee-doe-kan), an indoor play centre for a little bit. We finished up at the Jidokan and went home and had dinner. The next day we went to meet up with my parents a little way a way from Moriya (Mo-ree-ya). We went to a Suumo Beya (Bay-a), which is where sumo westlers live. We even got to eat some of the food they eat. It was a lot of fun at Moriya and I wish I could go back and do it again.

That's all for Now,


  1. What do sumo wrestlers eat? They are so big and fat and strong that I reckon they must eat stuff which is full of calories but no good for you at all! I bet they eat lots of fried and sweet stuff, just the sort of thing Colleen (she of the big bum) tries to stop me from having. Tell Taiga that the Gundagai Rugby League team is known as The Tigers. Perhaps he could come and be a mascot for them. Lover etc Scoop. PS: Learn how to make okonomiyaki! I want some when you return.

  2. No wonder you want to go back to school in Moriya, you sound like you had a very sociable time. You said that Yasuko "finished up at the doctors". Does this mean she is a doctor, nurse or a receptionist? What sort of meals do you get at Wakana's school. I presume you liked it, especially the chocolate cake!!!

    Love, Colleen.

  3. I want to know what sumo wrestlers eat too!
