Monday, September 10, 2012

Keyakidai Junior High School

Sorry haven't really written much lately, I've been fairly busy at school. Yes that's right I'm going to school now. I've said goodbye to the sleep ins and said hello (reluctantly) to the waking up at 6:30. I miss the sleep ins. School here is pretty different to what I'm used to back home in Oz. For example I'm in third grade here, not ninth, I have 6 classes a day not 5 and I have to stay in the same classroom, in the same seat for most of the day. That, and it's all in Japanese. The days are pretty long but I'm getting to learn a bit more Japanese, if nothing else. Another thing that's different is that before we have to go home we have to clean the classroom and corridor. At the moment we are preparing for the sports festival so that means that we are spending a lot of time outside the classroom and a lot of time outside. The school is split up into three teams, Shiro (shi-ro), Aka (uh-ka) and Ao (aow). Shiro is Japanese for White and that's the team I'm in. The other two team are Red (Aka) and Blue (Ao). It is pretty fun preparing for the festival, we get to practice the fight songs and play tug-a-war. The work is a bit difficult for me thought, but that might have something to do with the fact that it's all in Japanese and written in Kanji. I'm trying though. I've written a lot of notes in Kanji but I can't really understand what it all says. Oh well, it's all part of the experience.

Sorry there's no photos,


  1. Sounds like you are busy... Youll have to talk japanese with cormac when you get home. I was telling kim this morning that i couldnt remember the word for caterpiller this morning and he turned and said to me "its awa mushi" freaked us out.

    1. That's pretty cute though!! He'll be able to speak more Japanese than me soon... that'll be interesting

  2. I'm trying to figure out how to reply to your blog. I keep losing my comment so till I learn I'm not going to say anything. Colleen

  3. Speaking Japanese can be easy. "sushi Toyota okanomiyski fugue Toyota Osaka sake". See even I can do it! We are in melbourne looking after Finn and Ava while Clare and Cam go to a wedding in Italy. I left my stock whip at home so I will just have to belt them with a lump of wood. Love Scoop

    1. I don't think that counts Scoop and no belting children. Say hi to everyone for me and have fun in Melbourne :)
