Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Tokyo, Sweets Paradise and Earthquakes

Hello everyone,
On Tuesday I went into Tokyo and had an awesome time with Yasuko. I won't tell you everything because most of it was shopping. Then yesterday I went to Kashiwa to Sweets Paradise. Sweets Paradise is a very dangerous place and I advise everybody to steer clear. Everything there was very yummy though. Last night I was woken up when I felt my bed shaking, it turns out that I woke up at the start of a small earthquake. It wouldn't really have scared very much if it had been during the day because I woke and everything was shaking, not fun. This isn't the first earthquake I have experienced since being in Japan this time round though, there was a small one when I came home from meeting up with the people I went to kindergarten with. It wasn't very big and I didn't really notice it until we stopped at an intersection and the car was wobbling. That's all that has really happened so far. I also had a terrible realisation today, I have to go to school on Monday. Oh well, I guess that means no more sleep ins.

Signing off,

This was my lunch

This is an example of a pattern you find
in Japanese traditional Lacquer ware  

Another pattern

This is a traditional lacquer ware box

This is the walk way

This is Japanese blue glass

These are traditional-style pictures

This is the plate I designed electronically

This is a traditional-style plate

If you know what's good for you, you won't
go into this shop.