I am finally back in Japan-Land of the rising sun. It is very humid and hot, but I'm not complaining. I flew into Narita Airport at around 6ish local time (or 7ish for those in Oz). I took 3 trains to Moriya and am now staying here for 8 weeks or so. Tomorrow I am off to Niigata, about 4 hours away. I am going to Yasuko's (Ya-soo-ko) home town of Niigata to participate in the Obon festival. Obon is a festival to visit your home town and pay respects to your ancestors and relatives who have died. Niigata is on the western coast of Japan, so it should be different to what I've experienced so far. Enough about Niigata though, there'll be heaps of photos when I write my next post. Okay, I haven't really done anything so far that's worth mentioning really, except for the walk between the rice patties. Anyways, I'm in Japan safe and sound and I'll be reporting on everything I do.
Matane (ma-ta-ne) for now,
BTW Feel free to leave comments and questions, I'll happily answer them :)